020 8968 4873 info@skillsepa.co.uk

Training Provider, Colleges Support


With you every step of the way
Whether you’re new to apprenticeship standards or an apprenticeship trailblazer, the EPA Pro support package has everything that you need for a smooth and successful experience. We offer support through a range of media to ensure that you have all the tools that you need for end-point assessment (EPA). Looking for support beyond EPA? Visit our apprenticeship delivery support page.


Standard specific guidance documents
Our guidance documents are designed by assessment specialists, providing detailed guidance for each assessment method, breaking down individual assessment criteria and providing templates where necessary (for inclusion in a portfolio, for example). These documents are designed to ensure that you have a thorough understanding of what’s required at EPA and are accessible on our EPA platform as soon as you come on board. Guidance on EPA is provided for apprentices, their employer and for you as the provider.